Jeff Hardin

  • Raymond E. Keller Professor, Department of Integrative Biology, University of Wisconsin-Madison


Jeff received his B.S. in Zoology and B.A. in German from Michigan State University. He then pursued a Master of Divinity degree at the International School of Theology in Southern California. After seminary Jeff received a Ph.D. in Biophysics at the University of California-Berkeley. After postdoctoral work at Duke University, Jeff joined the Zoology Department (now the Department of Integrative Biology) at UW in 1991. Jeff’s research focuses on how embryos change shape during development. He is also an award-winning biology educator. Jeff is an affiliate in the Religious Studies program at UW, and has been engaged in science/faith dialogue on the UW campus and nationally for many years, including work with the American Association for the Advancement of Science and as the Board Chair of the BioLogos Foundation. Jeff has served national  campus ministry organizations and local campus fellowships on the UW campus. In addition to many scientific publications, Jeff is lead author of The World of the Cell (Pearson), and, with Ron Numbers and Ron Binzley, co-edited The Warfare between Science and Religion: The Idea That Wouldn't Die (Johns Hopkins Univ. Press). Jeff and his wife Susie have two grown boys, Jon and Christopher.

Academic biography

Academic CV

Research topics

  1. How do cells in embryos orchestrate their movements to change the shape of the embryo?
  2. How do directional processes during embryonic development depend on genes and on other levels of organization in the embryo?
  3. How as Christians should we understand the interplay of developmental and evolutionary biology and God’s creative activity?
  4. How as Christians should we understand human identity at its earliest stages and our responsibilities regarding genetic and cellular manipulations of human beings?

Contributions to

Justice / Physical & Biological Sciences (Preview Response)
Discipline(s): Physical & Biological Sciences
Theology: Justice